About Active York


Active York is the city’s strategic partnership for the planning and development of sport
and active leisure, a Sport England recognised Community Sport Network.

Active York is a partnership of community and professional sportspeople working on your behalf to promote
and support in the provision of sporting, recreational and play opportunities across the city.


The Partnership consists of one representative from:

Higher and Further Education (HEFE) sector - nominated by Higher York

Health sector - nominated by the Director of Public health

Voluntary third sector - nominated by York CVS

Professional Sports Club sector - nominated by York Knights Rugby League Club and York City Football Club

School Sport sector - nominated by the School Sport Partnership Steering groups and CYC Education

City of York Council - nominated by the CYC Executive


As well as five representatives from:

Community Sport and Active Leisure sector within the city (voted by the public via The Press and the website)

If you would like to comment on the role of Active York, this website or, if you want to know more
about or become a member of Active York, please email sportandactiveleisure@york.gov.uk


Active York Action Plan

At the start of 2013, Active York began to develop its own Action Plan: to set out what the membership
wants to achieve over the period to 2016 and how we are going to achieve it. To clearly lay out what we
understand to be shared priorities and the values that bind the partnership together. It is a strong statement
of local ownership, taking into account national policy, rather than being tied to it and finally, to provide
an advocacy tool on behalf of sport to the City of York.

To learn more download the Active York Action Plan


Active York Sub Groups

To lead and drive forward delivery of the Action Plan sub groups have been formed that include
Board and Exoficio members. The sub groups and their key objectives are listed below:


Recognising Achievements Group

• To support and retain talented young people, especially those most at risk of dropping out, in performance
sport as athletes and coaches of talented athletes through Fund for the Gifted (FFG)

• To uphold the Fund for the Gifted Awards Panel assuring awards do not exceed the fund available

• To run the annual Active York Community Sports Awards


Communication Group

To devise a communications plan to deliver the twin outcomes of:

A) Positioning Active York as the strategic lead in York for Sport and
A) Active Leisure and lobbying for better provision for sport

B) Raising awareness of the value of sport and active leisure
A) and the minimal levels required to gain health benefits


Community Forums Group

To provide quarterly forums of local sports clubs and other physical activity providers to express their views
on sport in York and access information regarding local, county and national sports initiatives and relevant
topical issues.


Targeted Young People's Activity Group

To increase understanding of, and participation by, young people in sport and physical activity

To collate and maintain a list of opportunities available in York

To promote awareness of and collaboration between the providers
of sport and physical activity for young people


The guiding principles for how Active York will deliver are:

Equality - We aim to reduce inequalities in order to reach out to new and existing populations to increase
the number of York residents taking part in sport and active recreation making opportunities accessible to
all. This includes progress toward equality by gender, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation,
transgender status, and religion or belief. Active York has in addition a particular interest in
inequality by social class.

Unity - To bring partners and people together; City of York Council, Governing Bodies of Sport, Community
Health, Education, Adults, Young People and children to support, participate and excel in sport.

Simple - to ensure key messages about the benefits, joys and minimum levels of sport and physical
activity are easy to understand and relevant to participants, coaches, administrators and everyone
involved in sport and active leisure.






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